Monday, December 31, 2007

Last Days of Celtic Charm

By Ron and Kathryn Ivey

Since our last update, we left Belfast and drove south to visit our friends in Dublin. We were warmly welcomed by Donovan and Wilma Graham in their home just south of Dublin. The Grahams have been in Ireland for the past 3 years with World Harvest caring for the missionaries. They were so gracious to host us for three days and we felt a little bit like we had come home to the States. They took excellent care of us during our stay. There home always smelled of goodness, as it was likely that Wilma was cooking up a delicious meal or dessert (our favorite was banafie pie!). Another favorite, Donovan introduced us to hot chocolate with Baileys – it is like liquid sweetness in your mouth! On our last night with the Grahams, we went to dinner by the coast in little town called Greystones. As you see below, the restaurant was decorated for Christmas and even provided us with poppers - a favorite tradition on the British Isles. Here are Donovan and Wilma opening their poppers and wearing the crown.(I'm sure Donovan appreciates me putting this in).

The Grahams also took us out to one of their favorite spots in the rural Wicklow mountains outside of Dublin, the monastery ruins of Glendelough. We understood why St. Kevin found this place so beautiful and peaceful over 1000 years ago and started a place of retreat and prayer. Glendelough (Valley of the Lake in Gaelic) is now a series of ruins and a beautiful lake amidst the Wicklows.

We also learned from our tour of the Guinness Factory, that from these same Wicklow Mountains flows water used for Guinness. Maybe that's why the Guinness tastes better here! In Dublin city centre, we enjoyed the tour thoroughly and the free pint of Guiness at the top of the factory even better.

We also visited the famous Book of Kells, a beautifully hand written and decorated version of the Bible from the Golden Age of Ireland. Trinity College Library, which housed the Book of Kells, also had an impressive hall of ancient and rare texts. We also spent a day downtown in Dublin in the main shopping district, Grafton Square. Imagine a quintessential Christmas shopping area filled with shoppers, carolers (they were a lively group of ladies!) and decorated with Christmas lights.

After Dublin we were off to Scotland to visit Edinburgh and Inverness. In Edinburgh, we wandered around cobble stone streets filled with Gothic spires, castles and cozy restaurants and pubs. We stayed at a quaint bed and breakfast a short bus ride from city centre. During the short days (we only had a few hours of sunlight) we explored the city streets of old town and new town (new as in 1700s). Old town's primary road, the Royal Mile connected the Queen's Palace at Holyrood House and the impressive Edinburgh castle high on a rocky crag in the middle of the city. Here are some pictures of a pair of pipers playing along the Royal Mile and the view of Edinburgh Castle from the park below.

We had a blast enjoying crepes, sugar roasted almonds, Christmas cookies and hot lemonade at an open air German Christmas market. Vendors sold all kinds of goods and treats in small cabin like kiosks. Unfortunately, we were too full each night from our dinners or we probably would have went back every evening for dessert. Speaking of food, in Scotland they have best soup. I can't remember the Gaelic name but its a thick broth of smoked haddock – a great find after a cold walk. We had it one evening and went looking all over for it again to no avail. Here are some fun pictures of the Christmas market and the carnival next to the market.

In one of our walks to a monument overlooking the city we took some pictures of the city that give you a taste of the romantic Edinburgh skyline.

After Edinburgh, we took a scenic bus trip up to Inverness, the gateway to the Scottish highlands. In Inverness, we stayed in the home of JD and Jenny Bump. They gave us an amazing gift by letting us use their home for three nights while they stayed at their parents house down the street. A huge blessing, this enabled us to have our own place to cook meals, wash laundry(we were beginning to smell by this point!) and just relax by the fireplace. This sign of kindness to people they had barely known showed true hospitality. Still, being away from home days before Christmas made us homesick and long for fellowship and family back home. It made us realize the blessing of community.

JD(aka Bump) took us around the area to see the sights of Loch Ness and help us find a bottle of scotch to take back for the fellas. Here are some pictures of the River Ness and the Loch Ness. Unfortunately, no sitings of Nessie were made as we traveled the shores of the Loch...Maybe next time....

Sorry for the LONG update!!! We just can't keep up! We are actually in Paris this week celebrating the New Year and taking in the beauty of the Parisians....our London update will be coming next!

Much Love and Happy New Year!
Kathryn and Ron


Margaret Shoe said...

Hi Kathryn and Ron,

I am still enjoying looking at your pictures. I just finished the flicker section and wished I were there also. The blog comments are so informative and well written !!

Hope you continue to enjoy all the sites. I am sure that this adventure in Europe will be etched in your memories for a very long time.

Be careful and continue having fun.

Steve and Margaret

Jennie said...

Ron and Kathryn,

Thank you for putting up a blog so we can all see where you guys are traveling and what you are experiencing.

Dawn just forwarded the link and I started at the bottom and got excited you were going to Scotland as my little brother is studying at Edinburgh this year and thought maybe I could connect you all. But you move too quickly (and I move too slowly) and you have already been there and now are on to England. Bummer.

I'll keep reading your adventures!

Much love to you both,

susan suther said...

Hi Kathryn and Ron,
Happy New Year! Dad and I just love reading your updates on your blog! I find myself anxiously awaiting the next installment and seeing your pictures! It is like a chapter book ! Dad and I have just returned from Williamsburg. We had a great time and it was so much fun just to get away for awhile!
We will talk to you soon!
Love to you both!